Lebanese national Tima Deryan recalls how she scaled Everest in 2019 amid a record number of deaths. After two challenging months spent climbing and training at base camp, her historic climb makes her the first woman from Lebanon and youngest Arab to reach the summit. Emily Wither reports.
On Dubai POV, CNN goes beyond the sandy beaches, skyscrapers and seven-star luxury to discover the city through the eyes of those who know it best: Tima Deryan guides us through Hatta, an exclave of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. It lies about 134km to the south-east of Dubai, located high in the Hajar Mountains.
Tima Deryan talks about her mountaineering journey, how to start mountain climbing, and what it takes to be well equipped to practice the sport on Sky news Arabia morning show.
Tima Deryan gives a quick brief on her Everest expedition and talks on the morning show “sabah al khair ya arab” about how Arab youth and women can achieve anything.
Titled as “Lebanese woman makes history for her country by climbing Everest.” Tima shares a summary of her Everest expedition during one of the deadliest seasons and paves the way for Arab youth to go after their goals.
The morning show presenters discuss Tima Deryan’s Everest achievement and share details and footage on how she made it to the top of the world to represent Arab youth and women.
Full interview of Tima Deryan answering your questions around her life journey and expedition to Everest. Tima also discusses the role of youth and women in the Arab world and the responsibility of each person with a talent and/or a goal to pursue it and contribute to a better world.
Al Hurra TV discusses Tima Deryan’s achievement of becoming the first Lebanese woman to ski the last degree of the South Pole and only a few months away from skiing the last degree of the North Pole. This will conclude her seven-year expedition to achieve the Explorers Grand Slam.
Prime time news reports on Tima Deryan’s being the first Lebanese woman to ski the last degree of the South Pole. Tima skied to reach the most southerly point on Earth on the 16th of December 2022.
Al Jadeed network hosts Tima Deryan and discusses her mountaineering records and how it ties to her mission on inspiring children, youth, and women to dream big and never give up.
The National Broadcasting Network hosts Tima Deryan on it’s morning show. The network presents Tima’s achievements, how she started her explorer adventures, and how she plans to use her platform to inspire and empower others.
News presenter discusses Tima Deryan’s Everest expedition and Tima shares the details of the mountains through her experience and sets her sight on the next challen
MTV Lebanon Prime Time News shares snippets of Tima Deryan’s Everest expedition and reports on how she became the first Lebanese women to make it to the summit.
Al Jadeed network reports on Tima Deryan’s Everest experience, shares details on the crowded summit night and the tragic events that took place on the 22nd of May 2019.
Full interview of Tima Deryan on Future TV where she covers in detail how she managed to live for 2 months on the mountain, overcame obstacles and sickness to reach the summit of Everest.
Tima discusses the impact of her work on inspiring the next generation and women to go after their goals as well as the importance of representing the Arab world across the world throughout her mountaineering journey.